Friday, June 5, 2015

Acid Age- Drone Shark Ethics

Wow! Two posts in one day! Aren't you guys just so lucky? What can I say? I'm feeling productive today.

So the last three reviews (including this one) are catch up reviews for last year.  I said that in the first one but did not mention it during the last one so i wanted to make that clear... because I like clarity... yeah...

Have I mentioned that I love thrash? Yes? What about my fondness for Witches Brew? Oh, okay... Well, than this review will come as no surprise to anyone...

My first impression after listening to this is, "What the hell did I just listen to?" I know that sounds negative but I mean that in the best way possible.  There is something so over-the-top, so bizarrely ridiculous, so wonderfully gonzo about this thrash record that it can't help to put a smile on your face even as its shredding it...

Anyone who knows me or has read this blog knows my disdain for "party thrash".  I personally prefer something a bit darker, heavier and, honestly, more evil sounding.  There are, however, exceptions to every rule... Gama Bomb being the only one, really.  But now there is a second! Acid Age!

From the start this album slows down maybe once in "F.T.P.L.(Fuck The Poor Legislation)".  Its a rip ride through serial killers, female antichrists, drone sharks and robot archers(1000 of them, in fact) that keeps the speed on til the records ends in a tasteless(in the best way possible) cover of Elvis Presley's "Hound dog".  Every second of this bizarro crossover masterpiece is full throttle and makes you want to get up and mosh something to death... a fellow metaller, a poser, a kitten... you know, whatever's in reach...

It splays through these 13 tracks never letting up, never letting anyone take a breath until, in a blink of an eye, its over and you're a little sad  and thirsting for blood.  You need to hear this to believe it.  Its the fastest record I've ever heard and that's saying something.  The only (very minor) quibble is that I feel some of the songs are a hair too long therefore killing some of the immediacy of the speed riffing.  Still, past that its a rip ride of amazing thrash!

Highlights: Hyper Thrash, Drone Shark Ethics, Hound Dog

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