Sunday, October 14, 2012

Iron Dogs- Cold Bitch

         So to continue with my favorite releases of the year list, we move to the frozen north... CANADA! This band contains Jo of Bastardator/ Germ Attak fame.  He has a history of great bands at his back and this is no different!
        Cold Bitch is a viscous mix of NWOBHM, snotty hard core of the 80's variety, and early speed/ thrash metal.  Its a caustic sound that rips through your speakers straight into your ears.  Frankly, there is no doubt that the influences all come from the early 80's period and absolutely nothing later.  This sounds like it was recorded while listening to a steady diet of Exciter, Accept and GBH.  Its just good rough and tumble heavy metal/ punk. 
        From the moment "Razors of Doom", rips out of your speakers you know violent speed metal is the rule of the day. It should be said that this album, while influenced by the 80's, does not sound like it copies anything in particular.  It sounds like it could have come from that time period.  The songs are incredibly well written and have a great deal of variety.  These songs harken back to time when metal songs were built on variety and sub-genres were not so strictly enforced as they are today. Were the 80's better? I don't know, but it was a time when the borders of sub-genres were a little more loose.
       Iron Dogs could not have crafted an album that hit my personal taste meter more if they tried.  This style of punked up metal is one of my favorites! If you enjoy metal influenced by the old ways but not copying them then "Cold Bitch" is for you.

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